Claiming Your Truth

Whew. I had a come to Jesus moment at a women’s Bible study this past week and wanted to share a truth that the Holy Spirit spoke to me that I believe has the power to reach each and every one who read this.

We were handed a paper with verses that speak to the truth of who we are and what has been lavished upon us as followers of Jesus. If you are anything like me, the world and all of your life experiences may have you feeling lost and confused and the lies in your mind may be playing on repeat almost too loud to hear the quiet whispers of truth.

Here are some truths that you can boldly claim:

You are God’s workmanship-His HANDIWORK. I don’t know much about carpentry, but I do believe they pour a great deal of passion, precision, and intentional crafting into their work–therefore, I can only imagine how much your creator put into creating YOU! (Eph. 2:10)

You are CHOSEN by God, holy and DEARLY LOVED. When you feel less than desirable and deeply defective, you can rest assured that you were chosen and paid for with a price. (Col 3:12 and 1 Thes 1:4)

You have been made complete in Christ lacking NOTHING. When we reach out to Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit, He begins a work in us and breathes new breath into the darkest, most dead places of our lives. Your testimony may be the key to someone else’s FREEDOM and a glimmer of hope to the hopeless. Don’t discount your story and the work He has began, even if you don’t feel like your story isn’t close to being “finished.” (Col. 2:10)

You have been (freely) GIVEN a spirit of power, love, and self-discipline. (2 Tim. 1:7)

You are a MEMBER of Christ’s Body which means you have a PURPOSE and a place of BELONGING no matter how alone or useless you may feel. (1 Cor. 12:27)

Remember, sisters, there are so many things that shape who we believe we are and get us off track from what we were created to do. Jesus makes it SO clear that each one of us were purposely created for good works that only we were made to do.

In this quest for truth, sometimes we forget that we have 24/7 access to the wisest counselor ever, the Holy Spirit, and don’t have to take this journey of coming undone alone. So, if you are like me and need a fresh outpouring of truth in your life, I pray that Jesus will meet us in this place and speak truth and life through his Word and through His Spirit where we would feel empowered to start to weave out the negative thought patterns and replace them with the truth and freedom that can only be gained through Jesus Christ.

So it is time to claim YOUR truth and let God purposely remake you into a closer version of who He originally designed you to be before the world told you who you are. 


2 thoughts on “Claiming Your Truth”

  1. Mollie, thanks for the reminder of these important truths and to hold onto them dearly. The world and Satan try to steer us away from God’s planned design for our lives so we (I) need to take every thought captive to obey Christ.

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