In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 4 In Him was life, and the life was the Light of men. 14 And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us….
These are the opening verses to one of my favorite Books in the Bible, the book of John. As the chapter opens, we see the glory of God and the relationship of the Trinity. I have always loved how God is referred to as the Word. I love words. I love reading and writing. So of course I see words as a very powerful tool. Spoken words or written words really do impact all of our relationships. I feel as life is getting more technical, we have a tendency to forget the power of words. Many argue that images are really what grabs modern man’s attention, but I feel words still make the biggest impact. This is one reason we have to be so careful of the words we use. Words are what we carry with us. Words are what guide us, and sometimes they define us. I think that is one reason why God chose to call himself The Word. He wants us to be defined by Him. One example of this in my own life is the impact my parents’ words have had. I had many wonderful experiences as child and teen, but truly what I take with me into adulthood are the words they spoke into my life. Some were awesome… some not so good. But all have shaped me. Now as an adult when I face a decision or experience a hardship and am unsure how to navigate ahead, I find that these words and sayings cross my mind. So when God calls himself the Word “and the Word became flesh and dwelt among us.” it seems to me that calling Jesus “the Word” is John’s way of emphasizing that the very existence of the Son of God is for the sake of communication. First, and foremost, he exists, and has always existed, from all eternity for the sake of communication with the Father. Secondarily, but infinitely important for us, the Son of God became divine communication to us. One might say, in summary, calling Jesus “the Word” implies that he is “God-Expressing-Himself to us. And that is important because there are two overwhelming problems we humans face: we are spiritually dead and spiritually blind. The Word that became flesh came to restore communication. To help us when we couldn’t help ourselves. That precious baby in the manager…Jesus… He has the life we need, and His life in us becomes the Light we need to guide us on our journey. I pray in this Christmas season, that you reflect on the power of God’s Word. Our savior born in the manager….God’s word spoken throughout the Bible… God’s word in prayer and song. God wants to be in constant communion with us… He wants to communicate with you today and every day. Are you available?
Defined by His WORDS!
I really like that!