Great Expectations

When I first started planning my move to Arizona, I was sure that this was where God wanted me to be. And so I had convinced myself that everything else was going to fall into place. All those things that I wanted in my life. An amazing job (that I was great at, of course), close friends, a steady relationship.

Then I actually got down here, and nothing quite fell into place the way I had imagined. Yes, I loved my job, but like so many first year teachers, I struggled through the first year. Friends just didn’t fall into my life. Nothing was as I expected. I felt lonely, on the outside of life.

After a couple months, I found the Vineyard, I found a small group. God slowly started putting people in my life. Someone saying “hi” here, remembering my name there. My life was not filled with people immediately like I had expected. But in the end, God’s plan was better.

Jeremiah 29:11

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

In those moments when we feel like something is missing, we have to understand that no matter what we think that hole is, the real hole is a lack of trust. Trust that God’s plan is in play. Trust that his plan is for our future. When you truly hand your trust to Him, you find a contentment in the now, in what you have. You find contentment in your morning coffee, or your late night cup of tea. You find joy in the quiet moments where you once felt lonely.

Psalm 46:10

10 He says, “Be still, and know that I am God;     I will be exalted among the nations,     I will be exalted in the earth.”

Does my life now look as though I imagined it would? Not at all. But I am joyful because I trust in God’s purpose for my life, and the people in my life. It is easy to say that we trust God. It is harder to feel the contentment that comes from truly trusting Him.

Take a moment and look around. Can you find three things in your life that you wouldn’t change, or are you still setting expectations that don’t line up with our Father’s great expectations?


 Ally Nelsen

6 thoughts on “Great Expectations”

  1. Ally, so glad you’re a part of our family and that the Lord has blessed you with friends and joy! I don’t think that anyone’s life turns out exactly as planned, but it is good to look back and see the faithful hand of God at work and His perfect plan taking shape in ways we never imagined! Thanks for sharing.

  2. You are truly a blessing to all those who know you. May God continue to bless you with many more friends.

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