“Let the little children come to me…” Matthew 19:14
85% of those who give their lives to Christ do so as a child. (before the age of 18)
Awhile back, I heard Wes Stafford, leader of Compassion International, speak. He spoke of the challenge to courageous leadership and about speaking up for those who cannot speak up for themselves…like children. Think about just this one thing…. even the womb can be a very dangerous place these days.
Half of the world’s population is made up of children.
Children around the globe are facing things like hunger, disease, child prostitution, and the list goes on. Wes told us about growing up poor in Africa and how those he grew up with who were poor shared everything they had. The poor can always give love, joy and hope.
What can we do here where we live? One thing we can do is to take “just a minute.” It takes “just a minute” to destroy the life of a child. (With abuse, abusive words, etc.) It can also take “just a minute” to launch the life of a child—to speak words of life to them. Think of people who have spoken into your life. Think of those who made a difference. What did they do? What did they say?
Think of people whose lives you can “speak life” into. What can you do? What can you say? Who can you encourage? Purpose with me to speak words of life into those around you—especially the children in your life. Take “just a minute.”
Maybe some of you would like to share a significant way someone spoke words of life to you when you were a child that made a great difference.
Thora, this issuch a good reminder.
The words you hear as a child are so memorable. Good and bad.
I remember some adult once told me when I was around 10 years old I have piano fingers.
Only within the last year have I learned to play and I think about that comment almost ever time I do.
Beautifully said and so true.
My Grandmother encouraged me to draw and always told me how good I was so I always tried harder and harder!
My Auntie Chaty told me one day I would be a published author if I only put my mind to it. Hearing that from her made me think I could do whatever I dreamed to do!!! Encouragement goes a loooong way!