Future Preference

Future Preference

Why do so many people sacrifice for others?  (Jesus being the most sacrificial example)

Why did the early settlers endure such hardship when coming to America?  Why did so many give their lives in WWII?  Why did Noah build the ark?  Why do hundreds of volunteers give their time and money on weekends at the Vineyard when they could be doing something else?

I believe it is for something I call “future preference.”  People give of themselves for those who come after them.  The settlers were giving so their children could have a better life. The soldiers were giving so their children and neighbors could live in a safer world.  So many people give so others may have a better life—even if it does not benefit them personally in this life.

When we give and don’t expect in return, we are giving with the future in mind.  We are giving for the future preference of others.

What we do now makes a difference later.  My Grandparents scrimped and saved their whole lives and lived an extremely frugal lifestyle.  Why?  So they could give what they had saved to their grandkids.  They had no thought of spending it on themselves.

May I be that giving(like my grandparents were with me) with what God has entrusted to me, so I can be a blessing to others…so I can have future preference!

I hope I can pass on to others like they did–especially in the spiritual realm.

Live with future preference in mind!



Author: Thora Anderson

Pastor, wife, daughter, sister, friend, Recovering worrier, Thinker, Mother of two teenagers. I've been in ministry for over 30 years and count that as huge success.

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