The Power of Words

The Power of Words

The Book of Proverbs tells us that the tongue has the power of life and death (Prov. 18:21).  In other words, words have tremendous power for good or for evil.

Do you have a childhood memory of someone saying something to you that was powerful for your good?

I was fortunate enough to have a mother who sowed words of love into my life.  I often heard, “I love you.”  She knew it was important for a girl to hear positive words from her father, so even though my father was a man of few words, she would prompt him to tell me I looked nice when I was a pudgy little girl.  I never once remember my parents cutting me down.  What a great benefit that has been in my life.

Powerful words for good.

Do you remember someone saying something destructive to you?  I was very pudgy in 3rd -5th grade and I distinctly remember being one of the last ones picked for a playground game and Gary Stewart calling me,”Hey Fatty!!”  I was devastated. Those words went through me like a spear and made me cry.  The fact that I can still remember it says somthing.

Who hasn’t known the power of words for good or evil in their lives?  Who hasn’t had someone make fun of something about them – your freckles, your hair, your race, your weight, your height, your name, your stutter, your intelligence?

Words are a key to our relationships.  We cannot function well as families or at our jobs without watching what comes out of our mouths.  And we cannot develop well as the family of God, the church, without respecting the power of words.

Where today, can you sow powerful words?



Author: Thora Anderson

Pastor, wife, daughter, sister, friend, Recovering worrier, Thinker, Mother of two teenagers. I've been in ministry for over 30 years and count that as huge success.

2 thoughts on “The Power of Words”

  1. I am working on being intentional on encouraging friends co-workers and family on that. For example there is a 1st grader at the school I work at and for what ever reason I took to her, I would tell her how special she is, how Jesus loves her, how smart she is and how beautiful she is. She would stop and look in the door so I can see her then I would run to her and tell her things. I even started telling her I love her and I do. She is so sweet and I tell her to never forget what I tell her no matter what any one else says to her that is not nice. Any ways I pray for her also. I do believe the power of the tongue. With my children I never called them a negative name. We do need to be intentional on how we speak and especially to children. Any ways thank Thora for the reminder of our tongue.

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