That was easy.

That was (not) easy.

 I have a button on my desk, which if you press, says, “That was easy.”

I wish I could say life was easy, but most of us cannot say that. Even the people who look like they have a charmed life probably don’t behind the scenes.

What do we do when life is not easy?  As a Christian, there is only one viable option… which is to hand it all over to Jesus.  Easier to say than do…I know.  Too often I try to hold on to things.  (Worry about them, stew over them, etc.—as if that will really do any good.) 

I am trying to be better at handing things over to Jesus.  Daily and hourly, as needed, I am trying to make the CHOICE to hand the difficulties that come over to Him. (verbally in prayer if needed)

These things I hand over are usually things I cannot change. (My family’s health problems, aging parents, my Sister’s handicaps, etc.)  Sometimes I try to grab them back. 

I have to choose to hand them over!  Again and again!

Life is not easy.  It is difficult.  That is what Jesus is for.

Hand it over!






Author: Thora Anderson

Pastor, wife, daughter, sister, friend, Recovering worrier, Thinker, Mother of two teenagers. I've been in ministry for over 30 years and count that as huge success.

2 thoughts on “That was easy.”

  1. This is so true Thora! Thank you. I like the ‘escape button’ idea, but I would never see any spiritual growth if I used that one. Thank you for pressing on and being an encouragement to us.

  2. Thank you Thora 🙂 I reallllly needed this today and I am going through the same thing. You’re sharing is giving hope 🙂 I am trying even before I read this, as I read this, and will continue.

    God Bless you,

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