By Faith!

While reading my devotional this morning in Exodus I see God’s guidance in my life in such a similar way. I came out of Egypt – out of sin and slavery – but my journey […]

What is in your hand?

Life is filled with “Woulda, Shoulda, Coulda” moments. It’s those moments that leave us with regret. The years we chose to be lazy rather than digging deep and working hard at something. The words we […]

Shine Bright!!!

The story of the wise men following Christ’s star has long been one of my favorite portions of the Christmas story. There is something so beautiful about stars in the dark night sky that warms […]

Go the Distance!

The true test of endurance does not come when we are comfortably sitting on the Lazy Boy without a worry in the world. No, the test comes when we are faced with what seems impossible; […]


Today while hiking I overheard a conversation taking place in front of me that was difficult to miss.  It was a teenager arguing with her mother who was encouraging her to try healthy new experiences; […]

Be Quiet and Wait

All of us have lived long enough to know what a broken heart feels like; we understand the feeling when disappoint pounds loudly on our door;  we realize the great sorrow it is to say […]

Choose well

I recently had a conversation with a young Christian woman. She was beautiful in appearance, extremely intelligent and capable; however, the more we conversed, the more I realized there was a huge problem. Her life […]

God’s Presence

I marvel at God’s goodness towards me and at times I am overwhelmed by the outpouring of his love that is expressed in his presence. Recently at small group we sang the song “More than […]

Just Breathe!

Just Breathe!  I distinctly remember one of the first times I really experienced worship in a profound way in a Vineyard small group.  I felt the presence of the Lord in such a strong way […]