IF ONLY … The Little Sin Slides

It started out really small – hardly noticeable actually; the hole along the seam of my king-size fitted sheet. It appeared the day I changed the linens at the beginning of the week. My domestic OCD demands I make my bed every morning, so each day as I stretched the sheet taut, the little hole got slightly bigger. Each day I’d tell myself, “get out your sewing kit and fix that hole before it’s out of control.” If only I’d heeded my own wise counsel.

What started out as a little, barely noticeable hole at the beginning of the week was a giant gaping hole that ran the entire length of the 16” seam by the time I changed the linens at the end of the week. I justified putting off the repair because I was busy and – well, I hate to sew.

Procrastinating turned a simple fix into a major ordeal. Even though it only took roughly 45 seconds to repair the problem, the time it took to unearth the sewing machine from the bowels of the garage; read the instructions to refresh my memory on how to load a bobbin with the right color thread and rethread the machine with new thread … and yeesh … if only I’d repaired the sheet with a needle and thread when the hole was tiny.

I can’t help but think how easy it is to let things slide because we’re procrastinators, too busy or just plain lazy. I think that’s just how Satan likes us as he convinces us that it’s okay to let “a little sin” slide.

What starts as a little emotional eating during a crisis or “that time of the month” somehow over time becomes a full-blown eating addiction.

The after-dinner drink to help you unwind slowly morphs into an alcohol dependency.

Reconnecting with an old boyfriend on Facebook leads to an emotional (or physical) affair you thought you were immune to.

Those painkillers the doctor prescribed after an injury are suddenly your lifeline for coping throughout your day.

Pick your poison, name your sin – we’ve probably all, at one time or another, been surprised at how easy it was to let “a little sin” slide until suddenly we’re in the unfamiliar neighborhood of Sin City.

We never plan to take up residence with our “little sin,” but somehow it just happens. It doesn’t have to be anything big. Forgetting to read our Bible because we overslept; skipping small group because we’re tired; missing weekend church services because we’re invited to the lake … The enemy is a master at pushing us down the “little sin slide” when we let our guard down.

Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour. 1 Peter 5:8

No one is safe from the devil’s whispers. We need to accept the fact that we must do as the above Scripture commands and stay alert and not just occasionally – but every — single — day.

How do we avoid the if only walk of shame? Don’t let your “littles” push you down the sin slide of no return!

Blessings in Christ,
Kathy K.

Author: Kathy Kurlin

I am a wife, mother, grandmother and published author of three books. My true passion is to share the Gospel through the written word. I may not be a Pulitzer Prize winning author, but God tells us to be faithful with "little things," ... so at my Lord's pleasure ... I use my "little writing gift" to write for Him.

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