Think About Such Things

“Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.”
Philippians 4:8 NIV

This is a memory verse I have been working on for many months. I had set a goal to have one memory verse per month this year. I started with this verse in January and haven’t moved on. I am glad to be marinating in this verse for so many reasons and I would like to share two of them.

First of all I can make quick judgements on people and situations without really waiting on all of the facts…this is hard to admit but it is true. While memorizing this verse about thinking on things that are true, noble, right, pure, lovely and admirable, I found that my mind won’t automatically think about these things…I need to intentionally look for these lovely, excellent and praiseworthy things in people and situations. When I do, I find that I am able to “see” above all that is going on in my mind and it has begun to change how I interact with people. I believe that Jesus is working with me and through me to do this because there is so much power in the Word of God, the Bible.

Secondly I am a critic of my own life and a harsh one at times. The Lord has begun to show me how to focus on the excellent and praiseworthy things about me that He sees and it is really helping me to then see these things in other people too. I have heard that I cannot give away what I don’t have. If I do not see myself as being loved by God, I have a hard time accepting others and loving them too. However when I receive Gods love and grace I can give it away…and then be better able to focus on whatever is pure, lovely, admirable, excellent and praiseworthy in myself and in others.

Can you imagine how different things would be in our relationships just by making a decision to put this verse into practice more often? I want to encourage you to “see” those around you differently, to see the situations, the problems and then ask God to help you look for what is excellent and praiseworthy. Even in the darkest situations there is always some tiny part that can be turned into praise! I believe the Lord wants to show us that small part and bring hope and encouragement to us.

I also love the fact the God is not finished with me yet…don’t you?





Author: Linda Hopkins

I am a very proud mama of four children, a widow and a Registrar. Jesus is always inviting me into another adventure with Him!

One thought on “Think About Such Things”

  1. Love this scripture–can see how you could take several months on it. Applying it to others & situations, then inward to self (being nice to yourself) is sweet. I can many times tell if Jesus is speaking to me because He is sweeter, kinder, and speaks nicer than the way I speak to myself or others usually speak.

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