
The Hallmark Channel has been playing Christmas movies non-stop since Halloween. I’m ashamed to admit that it’s been my guilty pleasure for the better part of the last six weeks. I’m so full up of peace on Earth, goodwill towards men and happily-ever-after holiday miracles and magic that I feel it must be oozing out of my pores by now. I am the embodiment of the Hallmark Christmas spirit!

Occasionally though, even a happily-ever-after addict like myself reaches her saturation limit. At some point it just makes good sense to “de-Hallmark” and neutralize the sappy, syrupy happily-ever-after goodness by re-entering society for a healthy dose of reality. (Hmm … is it “de-Hallmark” or “un-Hallmark?”)

Forcing myself to put on real pants (as opposed to my sweat pants) I ran out to catch up on some long overdue errands yesterday. Imagine my surprise when I discovered that the general public doesn’t seem to share my warm fuzzy Hallmark Christmas magic outlook on life. The guy at the intersection behind me laying on the horn the second the signal changed definitely didn’t share my Christmas spirit. His was more of a move it before I mow you over attitude.

The people at Costco doing what I call the “Costco shove-co” trying to beat me to the sample lady doling out cinnamon rolls certainly weren’t behaving in a very Hallmark Christmas spirit-y kind of fashion. And waiting in line at Walmart? Yeesh … there were a whole lot of angry people simmering in that line. Geez … what are we … animals?

Where is all that peace on Earth and goodwill towards men stuff that The Hallmark Channel is broadcasting 24/7?

While we may know that this is supposed to be the most wonderful time of year, there are many people who suffer and struggle every day – but most especially during the holidays. Just as we are told never to judge a book by its cover, we should never judge another person for their bad attitude.

Perhaps that person sitting next to us in church who avoids eye contact does so because they are suffering some sort of untold crisis in their life. Rather than assuming they are unfriendly, take a minute to initiate a conversation and really say hello and make them feel welcome. We don’t need Hallmark movies to remind us this is the time of year we need to really make an effort to be the hands and feet of Jesus.

What if we, the Body of Christ, truly practiced a little Hallmark-Jesus-goodwill towards visitors at church … and people at the mall … and the grocery store … and the post office … and yes … even to those rude people doing the Costco shove-co. While we’re at it, maybe we should go a step further and be more than the hands and feet of Jesus, but be the eyes, ears and mouth of Jesus so we can recognize those who look dejected; hear the pain in someone’s ‘hello’ and offer an encouraging word to the lost or the broken.

What if the best way to truly experience peace on Earth, goodwill towards men and Joy to the World isn’t just by soaking up the sappy sentiment from watching Hallmark movies day after day, but rather employing all of our five senses to truly be Jesus to a hurting world? You never know — it is the most wonderful time of the year …

Blessings in Christ and Merry Christmas!
Kathy K.

Author: Kathy Kurlin

I am a wife, mother, grandmother and published author of three books. My true passion is to share the Gospel through the written word. I may not be a Pulitzer Prize winning author, but God tells us to be faithful with "little things," ... so at my Lord's pleasure ... I use my "little writing gift" to write for Him.

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