
Around this time of year, I am tempted to buy too many things for my kids.  My love is not perfect.  I think one of my love languages is giving gifts.

Even if I could afford everything they wanted, I do realize, if I constantly showered my kids with everything they so desired, it would NOT be the best thing for them.  They would soon be spoiled and take things for granted.  I have to limit myself.

God loves us so much!  Can you even imagine all the gifts God WANTS to give us?  Spiritual gifts, physical gifts, emotional gifts? Perfect gifts? the gift of love? the gift of seeing God at work in the lives of those we love?  Gifts in the form of people who have gotten on the right track?  Gifts we simply are not ready for?  Gifts we have not asked for?  Gifts we have never thought of?  the gift of peace?  I imagine He wants to give us more than we can bear.

1John 3:1 says

See how very much our heavenly father loves us, for he allows us to be called his children, and we really are! 

God’s love is beyond our ability to fully comprehend. In the passage above, John uses a word translated, “lavished;” God’s love has been lavished upon you.  The word, “lavish” means “superabundance,” “generous,” “plentiful,” “over the top,” or even “wasteful.”  I imagine God also has to limit Himself or we could not bear it.

Can you spend some time pondering the magnitude of God’s love for you? (even if you don’t get all of your prayers answered yet?)

I believe God loves each of us with a depth and intensity beyond our imagination.  He wants to lavish His love on us.

Let Him lavish His love on you today!



Author: Thora Anderson

Pastor, wife, daughter, sister, friend, Recovering worrier, Thinker, Mother of two teenagers. I've been in ministry for over 30 years and count that as huge success.

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