How Would Jesus Vote?

Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock that last couple of months it’s probably come to your attention that there’s an upcoming election in 10 days. My phone rings constantly with non-stop solicitors wanting me to vote for their candidate or their proposition. In spite of all the phone calls, TV ads and U.S. mail propaganda – I’m more confused than ever because all that I’ve heard thus far is so completely contradictory.

Elections can certainly bring out the best or the worst in any American; conservative or liberal; Christian or Agnostic. Elections are obviously necessary in any democratic society but sometimes it would be nice if the ads weren’t so snarky and unflattering. Most of the ads seem to spend their 30 seconds lambasting their opponent.

In the last couple of months I’ve seen more name calling, fighting and bickering amongst “Friends” on Facebook who all are happily sharing their ‘freedom of speech” with regards to the upcoming election. Many of these people are supposed to be “strong Christians,” yet I’ve heard more stories of people being “un-friended” because of opposing political beliefs. Enough already … I’m ready for this election to be over – regardless of the outcome.

When it comes to elections are we Christian first, American second? Are we to be conservative or liberal; a patriot or cynic? We may be tempted to ask, how would Jesus vote? What would Jesus do?

There’s no way to know for sure what Jesus would do in a presidential election, but we do know what Jesus did. He sacrificed His life for both of the presidential candidates – whether we like their politics or agree with their campaign promises. Jesus died for them, the same as He did for me and you.

It’s a privilege to exercise our right to vote and we should do so without alienating or bad-mouthing others because of their differing political views. We’re supposed to make non-believers want we have but if we insist on acting like the rest of the world where are the differences?

Perhaps the difference should be, that we as Christians should remember to pray for our leaders and the candidates (yes from both parties). We need to remember that they are after all, men who carry huge burdens and responsibilities that are not perfect and every bit in need of a savior and the prayerful support from One Nation Under God.

Exercise your right to VOTE on November 6th!

Blessings in Christ,
Kathy K.

Author: Kathy Kurlin

I am a wife, mother, grandmother and published author of three books. My true passion is to share the Gospel through the written word. I may not be a Pulitzer Prize winning author, but God tells us to be faithful with "little things," ... so at my Lord's pleasure ... I use my "little writing gift" to write for Him.

3 thoughts on “How Would Jesus Vote?”

  1. Very well-written. I have observed that many people seem to think that the election gives them a waiver from the teachings of their Faith. I’ve heard the phrase, it’s just politics, it doesn’t mean anything.
    That is absurd. Does anyone really think that Jesus would have done that? I think Jesus would have shown the same love and compassion that he did on every day. And Jesus would have voted in a way to benefit the poor and disadvantaged.
    Too many people have become entangled in the emotion and furor and have not really thought their choices through. They haven’t considered the effect that their decision will have on others. It is more about winning than making a wise and considered choice.

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