
Word for the year……….

 May you LIVE all the days of your life! 

 For many years, I have prayed about and come up with a “word for the year”.  Yes, I do also write goals for the year!  However, besides Bible reading, when the going gets tough and life is so hectic you can’t remember if you already took your morning pills or not,  remembering “one word” is about all I can realistically hang on to some days.

 In the past, I have had words such as “purpose,” or perspective.  When I get  into a “situation” during the course of the year—by this I  mean one of those times when I am overwhelmed, underwhelmed, very tired, get my feelings hurt, quite sad, exceedingly glad, or worried— I think of my “word.”  I might ask myself something like, “OK, what is the best perspective in this particular situation for the long haul?” 

“What is the perspective of the other person?”

“What is the worst thing that can happen?”


“Does this project I am thinking of taking on fit with my life purposes?” 

“Am I taking it on because of guilt or trying to please someone?”

“What is the purpose of this project?”

 “Am I living my life on purpose, or am I letting others set my agenda for me?”

 For 2011, after praying, I have chosen the word, “Live.”  I know that sounds pretty simple.  Simple is what I need.  I have a magnet that says, “May you live all the days of your life.”

 Too often I am distracted and not paying attention to the now.  I am not enjoying what I do have.  How many times have I come to the end of a day and thought, “where did that day go?” 

 I am noticing how short life is these days.  You never know what tomorrow may hold.  My parents are both having health problems; they just called hospice in for my grandmother.  My sister is seriously physically challenged.  So, I’m thinking I better choose to LIVE –to enjoy what I have and who I have while I have them.

 God, help me live with gusto.  I want to notice and enjoy what is around me while I have it.  May I live all the days of my life.



Would anyone else like to share a word for the year they have chosen?

Author: Thora Anderson

Pastor, wife, daughter, sister, friend, Recovering worrier, Thinker, Mother of two teenagers. I've been in ministry for over 30 years and count that as huge success.

2 thoughts on “Live!”

  1. This year, my word is “persevere” – 2010 was a very good year for me, goals-wise. So I feel that this year I need to stick with and grow in those same goals.

  2. My word this year is simplify. I have taken on many new projects and responsibilities in this past year. I many times feel like I have too many plates spinning. Time to choose what is clutter and what is meaningful.

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