Passion of Your Heart

Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life. –Proverbs 4:23

What is the heart? Simply put, it is the organ that pumps blood through the body. I recently read that physiologically each person’s heartbeat has its own unique pattern. Just as there are no two people exactly alike, no two hearts keep the exact same rhythm.

The Bible refers to the heart as the driving will or innermost being.  Just as there are no two identical physiological heartbeats, I think that is also how God made our spiritual hearts. Your spiritual heart possesses a unique emotional heartbeat which seems to race when you encounter different causes, activities, subjects, or circumstances. Instinctively,  there are some things we care deeply about and other things that don’t catch our attention in the least. Understanding our spiritual heartbeat is part of the journey God has for us.  How God has created us helps us understand God’s unfolding plans for our lives.

The Bible is full of stories that show how passion stirred calling. Moses had a heart for his people. Solomon had a heart to be a wise ruler. Nehemiah had a heart for Jerusalem.  The Apostle Paul had a heart for Gentiles.  What is your passion?  What stirs your heart?

I believe God has given each of us “passions” no matter how small or large the scale may seem.  Some people are figuring out how they can use their passion and skills in the workplace to make an impact for Christ. Some are teaching Sunday school to fulfill their passion that the next generation would come to know Jesus. Some are serving in the Compassion ministry to show God’s love for the least of these.

What gets you excited? What powerful emotion or enthusiasm has the Lord placed on your heart?  If you are not sure yet, keep looking. When you find that passion, you will have a better understanding of God’s call on your life.  When we serve in our areas of passion, we feel both fruitful and fulfilled.

Take time to discover the passions God has placed on your heart.  If you have not, take the SHAPE class the next time it is offered at the Vineyard as a starting point.



Author: Thora Anderson

Pastor, wife, daughter, sister, friend, Recovering worrier, Thinker, Mother of two teenagers. I've been in ministry for over 30 years and count that as huge success.

4 thoughts on “Passion of Your Heart”

  1. One of my fave scriptures. The individual heartbeat is very interesting too. One of the questions my daughter likes to ask people is what are you passionate about—very telling. P S Happy to hear the conference went very well!

  2. I remember the first time God started stirring my heart and giving me passion for certain things. It’s been amazing to live those passions out and see what God has done with them.

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