How to be happy…Does Science back up the Bible?

I recently read an article on CNET concerning what Science says about Happiness. When you boiled down the article, it gave 5 things to do to improve your feelings of happiness and well-being, even during immensely challenging times like the coronavirus pandemic.
Here are the five:

1. Enhance your social connections
2. Engage in random acts of kindness
3. Express gratitude
4. Practice mindfulness
5. Practice self-compassion

So, it occurred to me that these are all Bible values. I won’t take time to proof text this, but if we just went by the Golden Rule, it would increase our happiness.
Matthew 7:12-23
New Living Translation
The Golden Rule
12 “Do to others whatever you would like them to do to you. This is the essence of all that is taught in the law and the prophets.”

When we are meaningfully involved in a church, we build social connections. We engage in acts of Kindness. We are hopefully expressing gratitude and self-compassion. I can’t guarantee we are all practicing mindfulness, but I know I am better at that than I used to be.
So…in a simplistic way, being a part of a local church, increases our odds of happiness. I realize Covid is a crazy time, but I encourage you to continue to practice the things you know to be true and Godly—and also practice how you wish others would act toward you.


Author: Thora Anderson

Pastor, wife, daughter, sister, friend, Recovering worrier, Thinker, Mother of two teenagers. I've been in ministry for over 30 years and count that as huge success.

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