Tiny Whispers

“But Yeshua said to them, “Let the children come to me and do not forbid them, for the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to such as these.” Matthew 19:14

As a Christian, God has walked with me through some tough valleys, but we’ve also climbed the tallest peaks together, too. I speak to Him, and He speaks to me. In times past, I’ve felt like the whole world would implode right into my body if I didn’t speak to others what He had laid so heavily on my heart. I have also found Him barely whispering to my spirit to follow His lead. But wouldn’t you know? Every single time I act on what I think might be His lead I am always surprised to realize that yes, indeed! It really was His voice that I heard. I still find myself as giddy as a child on Christmas morning when the Holy Spirit moves and He lets me be a part of it.

On September 22, 2012, I followed one of those tiny whispers by taking time to listen to a young boy who was the age of 9 even though we were supposed to be settling down in the Power Up room for praise and worship. He saw that one of his classmates was having eye problems after going to the doctor’s and having his pupils dilated earlier that afternoon. The Holy Spirit simply whispered for me to follow this young boy’s lead. “Wow, really God?” I questioned. But who am I to question God – the maker of Heaven and Earth? So I surrendered quickly and gave this young prophet-in-training the microphone. But do you know what flowed from his lips? Encouragement for healing! Wow! He encouraged his fellow students that if they had eye problems, they could just ask God to heal their eyes, and He would. What faith! He spoke this in front of everyone in the room, and he didn’t even bat an eye. Then I couldn’t just let this boy be this bold and for me to not follow through on what he said. God prompted me that we needed to pray about this – immediately! So I asked if anyone needed their eyes to be healed that they please step forward. Not one, but two boys stepped up. Well, I knew how to pray, but the Holy Spirit didn’t want me to pray. Then I was going to let the Small Group Leaders pray, but the Holy Spirit didn’t want them praying either. He very quickly told me the prayer wasn’t for the adults. It was for the children. “Wow. Really God? We’ve never done this.” So I asked this faithful boy if he would pray for the kids who stepped forward for healing in their eyes. Then I gave the microphone once again to this young boy, and he prayed a simple prayer. It was only about 3-4 sentences. He started with thanksgiving and simply asked that God come and heal their eyes. It wasn’t full of eloquent words or long speech. It was simple – like that of a child. No wonder we are to go to the Lord God as children. When we take our “self” out of the equation, we are open to so much more of the Holy Spirit, and we are more direct just like this young boy. So that let me ask you this: When you pray, do you allow the Holy Spirit to guide you? Do you pray with long speeches or search for eloquent words? I would like to encourage you to pray as a child. See what happens!

Lastly, I urge all of you, fellow servants, to follow those tiny inklings the Holy Spirit drops into your ear. What if this boy didn’t speak up? We would have missed a moving of the Holy Spirit right at our very own Vineyard Church of North Phoenix! We wouldn’t have had one of the greatest times of praise and worship afterwards that I have ever witnessed. Those kids wouldn’t have sung so loud, nor would they have lifted their hands so high, nor would they have danced so freely. Let me tell you my sisters, you never know what may come of it! You may just see the Kingdom of Heaven come down before your very eyes.

With much love,


Author: Amanda

Amanda works at VCNP in the Vineyard Kids Kids Check. She and her husband, Mark, homeschool their two children. She loves to entertain, cook, bake and read when she's not outdoors hiking mountains or shooting firearms in the desert with her family. She is an avid follower of Christ and loves to worship and dig through scriptures. She can be found most any weekend in the Children's ministry building.

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